
Thursday, January 23, 2014

5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials: Day 4- Support

Welcome to the 4th day of the 5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials. I hope you have been enjoying the series, and don't forget, there are 89 of us homeschool bloggy moms who are on the Schoolhouse Review Crew and are sharing what is essential for us and our homeschool. So far I have discussed the supplies that I feel I can't live without, the importance of organization, and hands-on learning. As important as those 3 things are for us, I can't see being able to homeschool without support. 

If it wasn't for the support of my husband, there is no way I would be able to homeschool. I had wanted to homeschool my older children, but their father wouldn't allow me too. When Tabitha was born I knew I wanted to homeschool, but hubby was a bit hesitant at first. I am so glad he gave me the green light to start. Not only has he changed his mind about homeschooling, he has been here to remind me why we are not putting the children in public school when I start doubting myself. He takes time with the children and shows a great interest in what they are doing. He even helps out at times. But, I'll let him share more about that tomorrow.

Not only do I have the support of my husband, but I have found great support in different online groups, from forums to Facebooks groups it is wonderful to have fellow homeschooling moms to chat with and get advice and inspiration from. I have also made some great bloggy friends through different linky parties and the Schoolhouse Review Crew. All of these work together to remind me that I am not alone in this homeschool journey.

Finally, I have been blessed to become a part of our local homeschool co-op. This is our second year in the co-op and the children get a chance to socialize and learn different subjects. They get gym once a week and each year they put on a production. All the moms have to teach or help out in at least one class. I have been helping out in preschool and this month I have been teaching the gym class to the K-3 graders. This has been stretching me a bit, in fact I was quite nervous to be in charge of the older children because I have been so used to preschoolers for many years. I am glad I was given this responsibility. Co-op is a great place to interact with other homeschoolers and get some mommy interaction. 

Where do you find your support?

As I mentioned, there are many more insightful posts to be found. Here is the link to the main post on the Schoolhouse Review Crew blog where you can find a list of everyone who is sharing. To get you started, I invite you to stop by these blogs:

Mary @ Winecup Christian Homeschool talks about Commitment 
Jenni @ Conversaving discusses the need of having a Sense of Humor
Meghan @ Quiet in the Chaos
Beth @ Weavings discusses a Schedule
Tawnee @ Adventures in Homeschooling discusses Field Trips
Karen @ My Harbor Lights discusses having an Awareness of Your Own Needs
Amy @ Wildflower Ramblings
Kristi @ The Potter’s Hand Academy shares Waldorf Essentials: Thinking, Feeling Willing
Tara @ This Sweet Life shares her ABC's of Homeschool Essentials: O-U

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