
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: November 13, 2013 (w/linky)- First Snow Fun

Oh my goodness, they were so excited to see the snow last week. I had told them they couldn't go out until after lunch and after I put Harold down for a nap. They were out in the kitchen before noon getting lunch ready (sometimes we don't eat until 1pm). Unfortunately, what snow had stuck was already starting to disappear. They didn't care. They had a blast!

(Took me a while, but I caught a shot of a snow ball in mid-flight. Do you see it?)

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. We're getting our first snow right now actually.

  2. Looked like they were having fun love their coats heheh!

    Have a tanfastic week ;-)

  3. We got a little more than that :)

  4. Love it! It seems everyone is sharing their snow pics this week and I am so jealous because we've been having a heat wave (90+!) and I miss snow so much!

  5. I am definitely not a winter person myself, but I do love seeing my daughter get excited for it! Snow is so much fun for kids.

  6. They were certainly excited to see the snow. It would be interesting for me to experience snow someday. Thanks for hosting kewkew.

  7. A little white stuff. Here we got flurries yesterday.

  8. That's so cute! They look like they are having so much fun! But I sure hope it doesn't do that here for a long time!

  9. I'm dreading the first snowfall. I'm a spring/summer kind of person :)


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