
Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Force by Alexandra and Joyce Swann- A Review

I have enjoyed being a part of the Launch Team for the new book by Alexandra and Joyce Swann called The Force. The Force is the second book in The Kingdom Chronicles Series. 

Like The Fourth KingdomThe Force did not disappoint me. There is again suspense, good vs. evil,  end times forces at play, and more cloning. However, in this story it is Josef Helmick creating the clones for profit and self-gratification. There is more murder, lots of intrigue and more twists and turns. The Sinclair twins, Jarrod and Joshua, play a smaller role than I assumed they would play. After they are called in to consult with the FBI on some murders they suspect Josef Helmick. Instead of the story focusing on them, however, they hire retired detective Fred Kowalski and send him off to find out what is going on. He has to travel to Dubai to investigate these murders of famous women who have been discovered murdered again and again. 

There is so much more going on than just the murders of these women. Not only is Josef trying to gain control of the world, there is an evil Force that is in danger of being resurrected in the process. The murdering of the women actually plays a small role in the story as we see many other characters being introduced. As Josef gains power we again see how ruthless and evil he is, yet he is no match for the Force that is about to be resurrected. 

I enjoyed The Force almost as much as I enjoyed The Fourth Kingdom. While The Force wasn't as predictable, there were so many different characters introduced it was hard to keep them straight. It seemed we were jumping story lines a bit, though at the end I could see how everything was fitting together. As I mentioned, I really did think that the Sinclair twins were going to play a bigger role as they were adversaries to Josef in The Fourth Kingdom and I was seeing them as the characters behind the power of good while Josef was being influenced by the force of evil. I also didn't expect the story to take such a sharp turn away from the Nazi storyline of the first book. 

I still highly recommend The Force, but I would warn that it is not for the younger audience as there is quite a bit of murder, some of it graphic, plus talk of torture and some mention of sexual encounters. I am under the understanding that there will be another book in this series from the way the story left off and I am definitely curious as to where this is going, because I am seeing some end time story lines being possible.

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