
Monday, February 18, 2013

Muffin Tin Monday: The Start of our Color Tins 2013: Red

It is that time of year again, the time of year where we focus on 1 color of the rainbow per muffin tin until we reach St. Patrick's Day and have our Rainbow Tin. Last year we had the muffin tins closer together, this year we will be having 2 tins a week (on Monday and Thursday).
Here is this year's Red Muffin Tin (very similar to last year's):

Strawberry Jello
Pepperoni Bites
Red pepper strips

Grape Tomatoes
Sliced Strawberries
Strawberry Yogurt

And Harold had Peanut butter and apple butter sandwich bites, chopped strawberries, fruit bites and green beans. He also had yogurt and Jello, but I fed them to him from a separate cup. He didn't really like the Jello though.

I am so glad the girls still enjoy getting muffin tins. 

Stay tuned for our other color muffin tins as we make our way to St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Lovely theme, cant wait to see the rest of the color tins!

  2. We haven't done a color theme for a few years. I think we will do it again soon. Great tin!


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