
Monday, July 30, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday: Olympics

Muffin Tin Monday at

In honor of the Olympics I gave the girls an Olympic Muffin Tin for lunch today.

We had the colors of the rings:
Blue Blueberries
Black Chocolate Chips
Red Grape Tomatoes
Yellow Corn
Green Spinach

Then we had a Popcorn Cone Torch that I saw on Pinterest. You can find it over at

Here is a better view of ours:

And daddy came up with the idea of making hard boiled egg gold medals.
I added the toast for a grain and the cheese ribbon for some dairy.
(I like to make muffin tins as balanced as I can.)

And so the girls have been introduced to the Olympics.
I think it's sort of cool they are being held in London this year. My mom is from England.


  1. I love the ice cream cone torches.

  2. Can you come make meals for me! You are so creative (and healthy!)

    Which reminds me, I need to go see if any more of my grape tomatoes are ready to be picked!

  3. What a neat idea! Love the toast and egg gold medals!

  4. Way too cute, the kids must have loved it!

  5. How cute! I bet the kids love having u for mom!!


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