This week the girls finally received replies from their new pen pals. If you are interested I joined a group called Homeschool Pen Pals (http://www.facebook.com/groups/116755831793922/) on Facebook.
The girls were so thrilled to receive their letters. Of course, daddy had to tease them.
Looking at the writing on the envelope.
Opening the letters.
Poor Hannah doesn't have a pen pal. I really didn't think it would be a problem. But she really wanted something too. Luckily the pen pals had both included a small sheet of star stickers and the girls were willing to share.
I realized I never shared pictures of the girls writing their letters to their pen pals. So, thought I would share them now.
I helped them think of things to write. This is their first experience with pen pals. I thought it would be fun and educational.
Amelia told me what she wanted to say (after I prompted her a bit), then I made the dots and she traced.
For Hannah it was just a time to doodle.
With some help from the troll.
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