
Saturday, December 3, 2011

25 Days of Christmas Dec 3rd-Ways to Simplify the Holidays

I am thrilled to be able to share so many great posts this month in anticipation of Christmas with the 25 Days of Christmas Blogshare. 
Today's post is brought to you by Breana at  This Mama Says.....

The Christmas season is thought of as "The most wonderful time of the year". But often times, once that time has arrived, we feel unprepared, stressed out and over burdened!

We pack our schedules with parties, shopping and baking. 

We feel pressure to out do everyone around us with creating the best ever moments, traditions and memories.

This can all be incredibly overwhelming!

And the next thing you know Christmas is a few days away and you haven't done all the things you were hoping to fit in, much less enjoy the activities did accomplish. 

I know for myself, especially with young children I want to provide my children with all the magic that this time of year brings, but in the past I have watched the holiday come and go with nothing crossed off my to-do list and feeling disappointed in myself for falling short.

So how can we fix this??? How can we ensure we enjoy the holidays and accomplish the things that really matter to us?

Continue Reading to find out how to simplify your holidays.Here are a few things that you can doNOW to prepare for Christmas. These are things that will take only a few minutes and ANYONE can do (even if you're not an organizing pro):

1 comment:

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