
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen: Trifle

This week we have been reading the book Mr Gumpy's Motor Car by John Burningham. This book is set in the English countryside. I could not pass up the opportunity to have the children help me make my mother's yummy trifle. I asked her if trifle is from England and she said she thought it was. Then I Googled trifle and discovered it did originate in England.

There were three separate steps we needed to take to make this recipe. First we had to make the pound cake to make the bottom layer. My mother used to use store bought jelly roll or pound cake, but I couldn't find any. And making the cake with the girls was fun.
We used a boxed mix that called for 1/4 cup butter, water or milk and 2 eggs.

The children took turns mixing the batter.

Hannah helped too, but the pictures the girls took were way too blurry. After Hannah was done helping I put her down and she was really upset. I thought she wanted to use the beaters more. I finally discovered what she was anticipating: 

Our cake baked and then cooled over night, and then we were ready to start layering the trifle.

For this step we needed the pound cake, fruit cocktail and strawberry Jello. First we drained the "juice" from the fruit cocktail, saving it to add in with the cold water to make the Jello. While we sliced the cake I boiled the cup of water for the Jello. 

The ONLY thing I thought Hannah could help with was stirring the Jello after we added the cup of juice/water mixture.

We arranged a layer of pound cake:

Then added the fruit cocktail:

Then the girls and I poured the Jello over the fruit:

We then put the dish in the refrigerator to let the Jello set.  

After the Jello was set we needed to put on the finishing touches. We started out by making the custard. The only way I know how to make Custard is by using the Bird's Custard my mother uses, which is imported from England. In fact, my uncle was the one who gave me some when he was visiting from England a few years back and my mom gave me her remaining custard when she realized I use it more than she does anymore. I did however check it out and it can be purchased through Amazon. I am sure there are other ways to make custard, I just don't know them. So here are our instructions.

We need the custard powder, sugar and milk.

First we add 2 heaping tbs of custard powder. My mom said to make sure it is heaping as the measures are not quite the same as in England.

And 2 heaping tbs of sugar.

You are to mix this together. Measure out 2 cups/1 pint of milk. Out of this measured milk take 1 tbs to 2 tbs to make a paste. One tbs was plenty to make a nice smooth paste. Then, and this is where my mom's instructions differ from the instructions on the container, add half of the milk and microwave for 6-7 minutes.  After 1 minute, pause the microwave, add half of the remaining milk and stir, then resume the microwave. After another minute, add the remaining milk, stir and resume. For the remaining time stir after each minute and toward the end you really have to pay attention or the custard will boil over. Usually I have to stir again before the minute is over. The girls enjoyed watching the custard cook. It needs to be thickening nicely in order for it to set properly. Trust me, trial and error.

While the custard was in the microwave the girls sliced the bananas, we used two (of course I am not sure how much of that ended up on the trifle as Amelia was sneaking bites).

After the custard is done, let it sit for a minute, then pour on top of the bananas. Stick it in the fridge and let the custard set, it took a couple of hours. 

Serve with whipped cream if desired (and we always desire).

Do you have your children help you in the kitchen?  What lessons do they learn? Do you have any kid friendly recipes to share?
I'd love to see your posts, whether you have done something this week or some time in the past. Just link up below. This is a weekly linky, I just need to figure out a button now. 

I am linking up to:

Chestnut Grove Academy

Blog Post Hop

Growing Up Gardner

Happy Go Lucky

And here is my Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen linky


  1. What a great cooking project! My kids love to help in our kitchen. Their favorite thing to make is Rice Krispie treats. It's nice to make simple things!

  2. Yummy! Thanks for linking up with Brag Time Thursday! I really need to get my kids in the kitchen!

  3. Whenever I hear about Trifles, I can't help but laugh at that "Friends" episode, the one where Rachel got her cook book pages stuck together, and added beef to her trifle. Joey thought it was awesome. :)
    Nice project for the kids – My kids help me in the kitchen all the time!

  4. It is always nice having little helpers in the kitchen! Cute pictures!

  5. That looks yummy! I am a new follower from the weekend warriors hop.


  6. Yummy!! Looks delicious! Thanks for joining our first Shine on Fridays link party. We hope you'll join us again tomorrow.

  7. i've never had this before. how wonderful the girls could be so involved!

    Thanks for sharing & linking to the Sunday Showcase! Hope to see you this week.


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