
Sunday, October 16, 2011

This Week We are Reading: Madeline, plus 2 Go-Alongs

This week we rowed Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans.

This book is one of a few books that was already familiar to me. I decided to read Madeline after Papa Piccolo because I am trying to journey around the world in the same order the baker did in How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World by Marjorie Priceman.  After the baker left Italy, she traveled on to France, which is where Madeline takes place.  Madeline lives in a "small house in Paris covered in vines." It is my understanding that it is a sort of boarding school and Miss Clavel is their teacher. Though the book is never clear about this. I love the moral lessons in the story: smiling at the good, frowning at the bad, being sad when they see someone hurt. I also enjoyed the illustrations which show many famous landmarks of Paris.

We also read Adele and Simon by Barbara McClintock.
Adèle & Simon
In this story a girl, Adele, picks up her brother from school. He is warned to take care to not lose his belongings. As they stop at different spots on the way home Simon realizes that he has lost one more item each time. They make it home, after we have had quite the tour of Paris, and he has lost all his belongings.  I was wondering how two little children were traveling so far by themselves. There is a map on the inside cover of the book that shows where they were on each page and what landmark they were
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  1. I loved Madeline as a child. It was my favourite book! I should pull it out for B, I bet she'd love it!

  2. Madeline books are such a great read TY for stoppign by I hope you'll share any ideas you have for finding more fun in book at Pam's Playhouse.
    Pamela @ ReviewsSheROTE

  3. We loved the first Madeline books, but the rest didn't go over quite as well. We also really-really enjoyed Adele and Simon. It made me a little wistful though, since I lived in Paris for 2 years and miss it a lot. Thanks for joining WMCIR!


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