
Monday, August 8, 2011

Menu Plan Monday: Week of August 7, 2011


We have VBS this week, so I will be planning some nice simple meals as our church has VBS in the evening.
Monday: Tacos
Tuesday: Chicken in the Crock pot with rice and corn
Wednesday: Spaghetti with leftover chicken shredded in the sauce.
Thursday: Breakfast for Dinner Thursday: Pancakes with sausage
Friday: Chicken Patties with tater tots and green beans
Saturday: Hot dog boats with salad
Sunday: Leftovers

Summer Reading Programs are over so we can do Breakfast for Dinner Thursdays again.

Head on over to I'm An Organizing Junkie to check out other's menu plans.


  1. I so need to get back on the planning our meals bandwagon!

  2. Good morning, I need to start planning for the week. I am certain it would help me save alot of time. I just never know what to fix anymore. Sounds like you have a busy week ahead.
    I found your blog on Meet Me On Monday. What a great way to find new bloggers.
    Great to meet you,


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