
Monday, June 6, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday: Rr

Muffin Tin Monday at

Today I made our letter R muffin tin

The girls had:
Roast Beef (and cheese) Roll ups
Round Red Tomatoes
Round Ranch Rice cakes
Rectangular graham crackers with peanut butter and Raisins
Round Radishes

The girls Rolled out the bread to flatten it for the Roll ups

They finished everything except the radishes.  Amelia wouldn't try them, but Tabitha had one and thought it wasn't so bad.  They sure made a nice addition to my salad.

Head on over to Muffin Tin Mom to check out other's great muffin tins.


  1. oh! i love the idea of rolling the bread out to make rollups! also. i can't think of a synonym for awesome that starts with "r". but rawesome? great job!

  2. Really wonderful idea! I think I would have left my radishes for you too.

  3. I found 2 of these round tins and the Goodwill last week! I was so excited because I have seen yours...they are so different! I am excited to use them! the Rr tin!


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