
Monday, May 16, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday: Cc

Muffin Tin Monday at

It's that time of week the children just love.  When they know it is Monday they are so excited, they want that muffin tin. And mommy will not let them in the kitchen while I work on it.  I love surprising them.  This week's tin was based on the letter C.

C shaped piece of bagel with butter
Cottage cheese
Cool whip to dunk the fruit and graham crackers in (graham crackers are really good with cool whip)
Crackers (Graham, wheat thins, triscuits and Cheez It Scrabble crackers (I picked out a couple of C's each)
And a blueberry caterpillar on a spinach leaf (he ate through one green leaf on Monday and was still hungry)
I took a needle and thread and actually threaded the blueberries onto it.

According to Tabitha this is "Hannah's very next muffin tin."

Head on over to Muffin Tin Mom to see more cool muffin tin meals.


  1. I LOVE it! What a great way to fit in some learning with eating. :)

  2. You are amazing! Threading blueberries is a special skill.


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