Once again, last week had a bit of switching, other than that it went pretty well. Did you know that beef roast reheated in a couple of cups of beef broth (made from bouillon cubes) goes great on a wrap with roasted red pepper hummus, lettuce, onion and avocado? I love leftover Sundays. I also have reorganized my refrigerator. All the leftovers stay on the top shelf and it is amazing how little food has been wasted this month as opposed to previous months where leftovers got pushed back on the bottom shelf and got forgotten.
Here is this week's menu:
Monday: Pan Fried fish, baked (microwaved) potatoes and side salad
Tuesday: Tacos
Wednesday: Crock pot chicken with rice and gravy. And a side salad
Thursday: Breakfast For Dinner Thursday: Pancakes buffet
Friday: Crock Pot Pork Chops in Cream of Mushroom Soup with rice and green beans
Saturday: Spaghetti and garlic bread with a side salad
Sunday: Leftovers
Don't forget to join my on Thursdays for Breakfast For Dinner Thursdays

Head on over to I'm An Organizing Junkie to check out other's menu plans.
Don't forget to join my on Thursdays for Breakfast For Dinner Thursdays

Head on over to I'm An Organizing Junkie to check out other's menu plans.
ooo love the idea of organizing leftovers on 1 shelf!