
Sunday, January 30, 2011

School Time: Week 19 (Ee: Eggs, Exercise and Elmo)

We started off the week with our muffin tin, following the theme of Big/Little and Tall/Short.

Then we worked on some Ee lessons.  The girls colored and cut out their Ee pictures. This weeks words are:
elephant, elk, egg, elf, engine, eggplant.  Amelia decided not to pile all her pictures on top of each other this week.  Her E collage is the one on the right.

Then I cut out some egg shapes and drew some different lines on them for the girls to cut.  Tabitha's cutting skills are really getting good:

Then I had her match the sides up again so she could make an egg book.

Amelia was busy working on her wipe off alphabet book and never got to the egg book.  There is always next week.

Then I decided we were going to make egg salad for lunch.  The girls helped me put the eggs in the water to boil them (using the instructions I posted about here).  They once again turned out perfectly.  Then the girls helped me smush the eggs:

(Notice Hannah playing nicely in the background. She is in her walker.  She is getting really good at maneuvering that thing.)

Of course we all exercise almost every day using the WiiFit, but I thought it was so cute when we were jogging this time (I decided to do what the girls usually do and jog around in circles chasing them because it seemed like it would be a little more fun than jogging in place. It was, but boy was I dizzy).  I had hubby take a few pictures of Simba chasing us and vice versa.

I had the girls color an Elmo picture.  I have a couple more to go.  One of them is a birthday picture and we are going to color it on Feb 3rd because, according to Sesame Street's website that is the date of Elmo's birthday so we are going to have a birthday party.  I couldn't have planned that, Elmo's birthday when we are doing the letter E.  I was on the website so they could play some Elmo games and they were drawn to this macaroni shapes game that focused more on Zoe. Which reminded me to change up our Montessori pouring and spooning activities and add Elbow macaroni.

In the following pictures they are still continuing the interactive story and have to make a stop sign to stop the macaronisaurus.  

Of course Amelia is looking on.

Then she wanted to use the magnetic letter matching activity that they haven't used for a while.  So, I wrote some new sheets for her to match.  Some just letters, some words.

Unfortunately I was busy so I didn't work with her on this one and she just added any letter when she realized she didn't have more than one letter.  I was figuring we could do the one word then I was going to show her how we could use the same letters by pulling them down and she would realize we had to find just one different letter.  I still plan on working with her on this.

We read The Little Engine That Could which has always been a favorite of mine.  Though I was disappointed when I looked for activities focused around this book online.  I didn't realize the book has been redone with new illustrations and the engine looks nothing like the little blue engine I grew up loving.
Here is what I remember:

Here is what she looks like now:


Anyway. I fortunately have a version where the engine looks like the engine I grew up with, though not exactly the same book as pictured first above (That was the book I had growing up).  I love the story of the little engine who has such a kind "heart" she wants to help the train in trouble and the children on the other side of the mountain.  And "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can" is such a great lesson for the kids.

We also read our E Sesame Street book, Easels for Everyone.  I love the art that each muppet is painting.  It is interactive because the children have to help Bert figure out what is missing on his elephant. The children also have to figure out what paintings are by seeing only part of them.

While the girls were working I gave Hannah a tin drum and a rattle to bang on.

Another day she was having fun with what we call the Activity Cube.

(Where'd it go?)

(That's okay, I found another one)

(Right in the hole.)

I'm linking up to:

Tot School

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?


  1. Thanks for joining WMCIR! Even though I haven't grown up with The Little Engine That Could, I was also somewhat thrown off by new illustrations. However, over time they kind of grew on me. It sounds like you had a great E week.

  2. Looks like a great E week! Your activities are fab! x


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