
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Photography Challenges (Scavenger Hunt Sunday and Alphabet) together again

I just love taking pictures. And being given specific words and being allowed to interpret them is quite fun.  I continue to enjoy participating in Scavenger Hunt Sunday hosted by Ashley over at Rambling and Photos.

To participate all you have to do is take pictures of your interpretations of the words/phrases she lists.  This week's list is:
In my home
It's beginning to look a lot like...
Sweet treat

Here are my interpretations:
In My Home
You can find this sparkly wreath at Christmas time

And two little girls who like to sparkle as well

 It's beginning to look a lot like...

 With a little bit of Christmas thrown in.

Sweet Treat
A favorite holiday treat in our house, and how sweet and rich it is.
(Thanks to hubby for his patience and ability to drink large amounts of egg nog as I I tried to get this shot.)

my time is taken up a lot by my precious baby.  Here she is playing with brother's watch.

Everyday my precious baby eats 1 jar of  orange veges and two jars of fruit.  Granted half is eaten at lunch and the other half at dinner, plus I add a teaspoon each of green vege and meat into the orange vege at each meal.

It's also time for me to post my ABC photo challenge pictures.  This week focused on the letter L

Leftover lasagna for lunch

Lions from our church nursery's Noah's Ark

Our church library

Licking lips

and licking luscious Oreo cookies.

Yes, they are Oreo's. The only kind our store had the other day were the Golden.

Lighting up our home


  1. Great shots this week - they're kinda making me hungry!

  2. Nice pictures! Visiting from the blog hop and now following you through GFC. I home educate my younger daughter and she and I make craft videos for children. Your little girls might enjoy them, hope you will stop by!


  3. Great collection of fotos..and I really wish I had some of that lasagna!!

  4. Is that a veggie lasagna? It looks really tasty!

  5. the everyday shot is classic! don't miss those little jars... ;)

  6. I enjoyed looking at your pictures! Ahh, nice winter shots for a hot August day. :-)
    Cute baby pictures!



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