
Monday, December 27, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday: End of year review tin

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

It is our last Muffin Tin Monday of the year, so I decided to review the letters/sounds we have learned so far since the beginning of the school year.  

a- apple slices
p- popcorn
m- milk
s- salad
t- toast and peanut butter
o- Oreos

Even big sister Krystal, on vacation from school, wanted one:

She got the scraps of cheese and the O mistake as I was trying to make a pattern of orange and white cheese, but I cut the o out of orange by mistake.  Krystal wanted me to make sure she was awake and downstairs so she could have a muffin tin.  

Head on over to Muffin Tin Mom to see other cool muffin tins.


  1. This is such fun! The letters beside the foods looks great!

  2. love the muffin tin idea! I wrote it down to use myself - thanks for sharing!

    Following your blog & linked to the hop! Follow me back at

  3. Love it! I was trying to see what word you were spelling... Tom Naps? Haha! Guess I should read the post first!


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