
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday: October 19th 2010

Amelia went to get in her booster seat one day for lunch and there was some leftover cereal in it from breakfast (oops). Here is what she said:
Amelia: That's doyty, I need new chair.  You need to wash it.

My older son Floyd does not live with us.  Last time he was here this is what Tabitha said to him before going up to her nap:
Tabitha: If you're going to be here after I wake up, I'll take good care of you.

I was in the laundry room putting clothes in the dryer the other day.  I know hubby had just gone into the bedroom to get his "nap" (he works nightshift as an LPN from 6pm to 6am.  He will spend some time playing with the girls and then go to bed for a while.  We call it his nap.) Anyway, I heard Tabitha chattering in the hallway, I wasn't sure what she was saying.  Then all of a sudden she said, "Dad, are you asleep yet?"  I thought to myself, "How in the world would he be asleep with you talking to him through the door?"

This morning I wanted to know why Tabitha's diaper (she still wears diapers to bed) was so wet.  I am constantly reminding her that when she wakes up in the morning she should use the toilet and not her diaper.  She told me, "I pee at night because my eyes stay shut and I can't get them open."

Here is how Amelia ends the ABC song, "Now I know my A, B, C, D, E, F, G"

I had another comment written down but Tabitha decided to write over it with her own comments (scribble).  Oh well.

Head on over to Not Before 7 to see what other's little ones are saying to make them smile.

Don't forget to check out this week's Words of Wisdom Wednesday question.  Join in and link up here.


  1. hehe loved the story about the diaper! :-P

  2. Oh I love that my eyes shut and can't open them. How cute is that. My daughter is almost 4 and REFUSES to even attempt to go on the potty.

  3. Kids say the cutest things don't they?!?


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