
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday: October 12, 2010

I'm going to try once again to get my Tiny Talk Tuesday post out.  Not sure what I hit before, but everything disappeared and I couldn't get it back. 

This first one is a little old.  I tend to write all their little sayings on scraps of paper or old envelopes, and I just found this one that took place one morning in the bedroom.  I had Tabitha and Hannah.
Mom: Did Hannah slobber on you?
Tabitha: Yeah, I wiped it on my pajamas, now I'm wiping it on you (wipes it along my leg).
Mom: Let's get up so we can get breakfast.
Tabitha: Let's get off the slobber bed...Daddy, you're on the slobber bed.

Not sure where this came from the one day last week, but...
Tabitha: I want to stay in the cage so I can be warm. 
(This was the day we had the cushions arranged so we could do the puppet show, so I can only assume she meant "stage."

One day we were in the kitchen...
Mom to Tabitha: Don't you want any milk?
Tabitha: No
Mom: You're the one who got it out.
Tabitha: I just wanted to smell it.  I wanted to smell it to see if it was still good.  Amelia wants some.

Another day, at breakfast when we were eating granola...
Amelia picked up a raisin and called it gum.  I talk about the fact that we do have to chew and chew it because they are a bit hard and chewy, but then you would swallow it.   I then  told them you never swallow gum.
Tabitha: And then we spit it out because it turns into Special K.

A different morning when somehow the subject of fasting came up.  I explained it means going without food.  We were having breakfast because we break the fast.
Tabitha (a little confused): And then I break my heart.
Mom: Why do you break your heart?
Tabitha: Because I make a new heart.

Yesterday at dinner...
Mom to Tabitha: Remember how you didn't eat your lunch and couldn't watch a movie.
Tabitha (wide-eyeed): uuuuh, then I'm going to eat my dinner. (She picks up a piece of meatloaf to eat it.  Couldn't believe she made the association that fast.)

And then today, while we were eating lunch, I noticed the letter P was on the poster (we are on the letter M) so I asked how that happened (as if I didn't know it would have been Amelia).  Then...
Mom: It's not ponkey.
Then Tabitha joined in my game...
Tabitha: pailbox
Mom: pouse
Tabitha: pap
Mom: poon
Tabitha: pittens...That's in Spanish.  I can't believe it!!!

And this next one I just wanted to record that Amelia is saying 7 word sentences...
Amelia to Tabitha: You got some cheese on your plate.

To see what other little ones are amusing or enlightening their parents with head on over to Not Before 7 where Mary hosts Tiny Talk Tuesday

1 comment:

  1. So cute!!

    Found your blog and following through the hop...hope you can visit me sometime!


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