
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thirsty For Comments Thursday

Acting Balanced

I found this cool weekly link up over at Mama to 4 Blessings' Blog Hop Library.  Heather at Acting Balanced must have been more frustrated than me.  She created this link up to encourage others to not only stop by people's blogs to follow and gain numbers, but to take the time to read the posts on the blogs and leave meaningful comments.  

I don't know about you, but I love comments.  I love knowing what I am posting is making somewhat of an impact.  This is one of my reasons for blogging. I like to know that I have people following my blog, but I am not in it for the numbers. I have seen other comments to this effect around the blogosphere.  

I love the idea of Heather's link up.  What do you think.  Stop on over and link up if you desire to see people commenting and not just glancing and leaving your blog.  Don't forget it is a two way street.  See who's day you can make by commenting on some blogs as well.


  1. This is tricky isn't! It is hard to always comment on every single post that you read, it really is a time factor.

    I often struggle with blogs I visit alot and comment on alot but I never receive comments on my blog from those blogs. I know I shouldn't let it bother me but at times it does.

    I also have people downloading my free printables (which is why I put them up) but rarely do any of them comment to say that they are doing so.

    So it is a tough one......I think to receive comments you need to also comment on other blogs....and it is very much a two way street.

  2. I do agree with what Kylie commented. I know I don't comment on every blog post I read either. My computer is slow it's pathetic. It took me an hour to post my Tiny Talk Tues post this last week, just waiting for the computer to load pages. I do know I can't get to every blog every week either (from Tot school or Preschool Corner or any of the photo challenges or the blog hops) I spend too much time online as it is. I think this blog hop is to be different than the other blog hops out there where people go from blog to blog and follow whether they are interested in the blog or not just to get numbers. Even when I participate in those I don't follow if the blog is not something I am interested in and I don't expect others to follow mine if it is not an appropriate blog for their interests.


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.