
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Time for Scavenger Hunt Sunday hosted by Ashley over at Ramblings and Photos

This week's list had a couple that had me stumped for a bit.  Hope you like my interpretations, I do.  This is the list:

5 Senses

5 senses

I was really at a loss at what to do for this one.  Last night the girls had ice cream, and I felt this was the perfect picture.  I can see from Amelia's face that she was eating (taste) chocolate ice cream.  I'm sure it smelled delicious.  I really didn't want to touch her because she was so sticky.   And I'm sure she heard it from daddy, how she is supposed to eat the ice cream, not wear it.


My first ever You Capture theme , when I learned about these photo challenges, was "signs."  I used one from my archives at the time and then thought of using the sign in the park.  The other day I took the children to the park and decided this "Watch Children" sign, with the children in the background would work perfectly.


The girls have recently requested to eat at the kitchen counter on occasion.  When Tabitha was younger and  the only one eating with me we did eat out there.  Now we eat breakfast and sometimes lunch out there.  

For the next two pictures I tried using a slightly different angle than I usually use.

The evening of these two pictures we also ate at the counter because daddy was working the 2pm-10pm shift, so we had less people.
My girls:


For my night pictures I decided I wanted to walk around town at night and take shots of some of the things I had already taken pictures of for previous Challenges.

This one was for Vivid Color

As was this one:

I took this picture for orange:

And of course, last week's jack o'lantern

I loved the building in the background.  In the dark it looks kind of spooky. It is really our fire hall.  This guy actually looks spookier at night too.


Look really close and you can see the rainbow.  I had just come out of the store and it was sunny, but looked foggy or like it was raining.  It was sunny and raining, so I decided to look for the rainbow.  Woohoo, there really was a rainbow!! It was a whole bow, but by the time I prepared my camera it was fading.  It ends by the trees behind the flag.

Then on the way home I saw this awesome sky.  There were gray clouds and white clouds.  I thought the narrow wispy cloud under the gray clouds was awesome.  Then I looked behind me to the left and saw the sky was still blue.

Night and Sky

Saw this full (or almost full) moon through the branches while over at the park. I have wanted to take a shot like this for a while and was pleased with the way this turned out.


  1. Love your night and sky pictures...very ominous looking cloud and spooky moon. Very clever with the children picture too.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Great shots!

  3. I'm not sure if my comment went through or not, but I think you've got a great series of photos this week. I especially love your watch children shot - very cute.

  4. Wow, what lovely pictures with your kids. I love that last picture too. Full moon! I'm following you and liked your page in FB.

    Check me out with my Mom Blog Monday Post here


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