
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday: August 24, 2010

Time to share some of the interesting comments that the girls made this week.  The things children say really do make you sit back and think at times.  Especially this one:

I looked over and saw Tabitha on the floor with her little laptop computer.  It was just after lunch when we were supposed to get ready for nap.
T: I'm just checking  my blog.
Mom: Time for story and nap.
T: First let me check my blog okay.

Okay, maybe mom is on the computer a little too much?

Also the same day (Aug 21) Steven was holding Hannah and made a comment because of her fist being in her mouth and drooling:
S: Are you getting a tooth?
T: She has teeth, they're just behind her gums...  I have teeth.

Yesterday evening, for snack we were having ice cream.  Tabitha had a glass of water and took a drink of it after eating some of the ice cream.
T: That water helps me cool down of my coldness.

And today was quite the fun day when it came to cute little things she said.

The girls were chasing around.  Tabitha came in and said, "I'm trying to get away from Amelia cause she's a chasy one."

These next two were spoken at dinner time.  The children were seated around the table while Harold and I were standing because of rearranging the furniture (no I am still not done).  I also had found some things we hadn't seen in a while, like the little Buffalo Bills pencil topper shaped like a Bills helmet.

Tabitha was holding it and placed it on her head. She said, "I'm a team."

And then, a little later, she told Harold and myself, "Good job standing without sitting."

It's so much fun hearing Amelia talk more and in longer sentences.  I know we have counted 5 word sentences, not sure if any more.  Harold and I thought these two comments were cute.

This morning we were all congregating on the bed, like we do sometimes if I am finishing up nursing the baby before breakfast.  Daddy was lying on the bed with a makeshift pillow propping his head (it was a spice drop bowl).  Amelia had moved the bowl, causing daddy's head to fall on the bed.  Then she handed him a little Winnie the Pooh soft/plush wrist rattle and said, "Here's your pillow."

Also today, she came into the room, sneezed and said, "Bless me."

I am again linking up to Tiny Talk Tuesday over at Not Before 7.

Head on over to check out all the other cute things kids are saying.

Just a reminder, this week's Words of Wisdom Wednesday linky is still open.  The question to pose to your child today is 
Why do we brush our teeth?
Just ask your child the question and share the answer in a post.  Then please come back here a link up.  
And the next question will be posted on Wednesday.


  1. how cute! my girls love to "check their blogs" too!

  2. OH my goodness - so many of them are so cute. Love the cooling down her coldness. LOL!

    What a great list of Tiny Talk!

  3. cute stories!! Love the Bless me :-)

  4. So adorable! Thanks for sharing. :-)


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