
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Completing Him Challenge: Praying for and admiring my hubby!

I am quite ashamed that I have been slacking on this Completing Him Challenge.  I feel like I am being pulled so many directions and am really trying to prioritize.  Sometimes I get so overwhelmed that it's like I am shutting down.  I really want to do my job well.  My job as wife and mother and homemaker and teacher of the children.  I am going to try to be much more diligent in getting, not just these posts out in a timely manner, but actually completing the challenge to 110% of my ability.

Anyway, I completely neglected my post last week.  So before I mention anything else let me paste what I just copied from over at Courtney's site describing last week's challenge:

Prayer changes things - do you believe that?Then let's get started! Here's a list of items you can begin to pray through for your husband (taken from Stormie's book):
1. His Wife -that's a good place to start right? lol!

2. His Work

3. His Finances

4. His Sexuality

5. His Affections

6. His Temptations

7. His Mind

8. His Fears

9. His Purpose

10. His Choices

11. His Health

12. His Protection

13. His Trials

14. His Integrity

15. His Reputation

16. His Priorities

17. His Relationships

18. His Fatherhood

19. His Past

20. His Attitude

21. His Marriage

22. His Emotions

23. His Walk

24. His Talk

25. His Repentance

26. His Deliverance

27. His Obedience

28. His Self-Image

29. His Faith

30. His Future

Challenge: Print this list out and pray through this list daily. Also, do not forget to ask your husband each morning for any specific prayer requests he has for the day.

Let's put it this way, I have never been confident in my prayer life and this week was a challenge in more ways than one.  I never did get over to Courtney's site to even realize she had this list available.  Right now, going out to buy the book by Stormie Omartian titled "The Power of a Praying Wife" is not financially feasible.  And I don't think we have it in the church library (though it does sound like a good investment), so I will not be able to borrow it.  However, I am pledging to myself that I will at least use this list, not just this week, but from now on, to pray for my hubby.  Now, I did ask him a couple of times last week how I could pray for him, and I got a couple of general responses.  And as I know he will be reading this post, as he does show support and read my posts, perhaps he will be able to think of some more specific things to be asking me to pray for him.  Though I am not very good at this I figure if I remain faithful my prayer life will improve.  I did notice, in some other posts that linked up, that there were some other good prayer pointers for praying that I would like to try out.

As I mentioned above, my hubby does read my posts, which I am so thankful for.  It means a lot to me that he cares about what I do.  This leads me into this weeks challenge.  

1) List all the flaws of your husband.
2) List all the things that you admire about your husband.

Grade yourself: Which question was easier to answer?

There will be some women out there who find it easier to admire their husband than list his flaws. But I would venture to say that most of us find it easier to list their flaws. It's a part of our sin nature!
So let's break out of that mold - go against the grain of the world and praise our husbands!!!

This weeks Marriage challenge is: Admire Your Husband. If you are a blogger write a post all about your husband and what you admire in him and then show it to him! He will smile! If you are not a blogger, list the things you admire about your husband in the comment section and show it to him!

Showing it to him is so important. You may THINK he already knows the things you admire about him - but I'm afraid we don't tell our husbands often enough how much we do.

Wouldn't you love it if he did this for you? Luke 6:31 says "Do to others as you would have them do to you." So here's your chance to selflessly gush about your man!

It does mean a lot to me that he reads my blog, because this blog contains information that is extremely important to me, mostly what I do with the children.  I know he is extremely busy and when he comes home from work he is extremely tired, but he takes the time to check up on what I write.  In addition to this he finds time to play with the children and even help get them dressed and breakfasted at times.  See, he works night shifts, 6pm to 6am as a nurse and when he comes home he has to unwind before going to bed.  But for the longest time now (first because of pregnancy, then because of newborn and sometimes because of just plain tiredness) he comes home to a sleeping wife and wide awake children.  He plays with them, he's been known to get out a board game and play with them.  He lets them exercise along side him when he uses the Wii Fit Plus. He has special tickle time rhymes he made up just for them.  There are times when, tired as he is I don't know how he keeps himself upright, he is allowing the children to climb all over him.  He reads to them.  He changes diapers (even the dirty ones).  He is the one who usually gives them a bath because of my itchy skin problems.  In fact that is a family time as I sit there and watch, we talk, the children play if there is time and then I dry and dress the girls.  He will even help with brushing teeth before bed at times. (These night time activities are only on days when he doesn't work obviously).  
He even helps around the house.  He has been known to do dishes and help cook.  He cleans the counter off for me occasionally.  He mows the lawn.  He helps with laundry, starting loads and even folding.  The majority of the time I don't even ask for help, he sees that it needs done and he does it.  At times I feel bad.  I mean I am home, I should have gotten to it.  I don't expect him to do it, he just does because he knows I need help with the three little ones.  This means so much to me because these are the same things my ex would complain about and I had three little ones back then.  And knowing he is willing to help actually motivates me to try harder to make this house a haven for him to come home to  and not have to do those things.  
It means a lot to me that he doesn't complain when those things don't get done in a timely manner.  I know, even if he doesn't admit it, that he would prefer that I got the cleaning done.  But he can see I have my hands full at times with the baby and with trying to get "lessons" done with the children.  
I am proud of the fact that he has a job where he can help people and he has been told by different people in different ways, that he makes a difference.  (He works in a nursing home type environment and I would love to have someone like him, someone who is looking out for the residents comfort and well-being, take care of me when I am at that point in my life.)  
He has a great sense of humor and we joke that it is a compliment when someone is called weird as then you are definitely fitting in with this family.  
I am so glad that the Lord brought us together.  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have a wonderful husband too!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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