
Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Bloggy Award

I love being able to blog about what we do with our schooling, to share ideas with bloggy moms out there, and to find new ideas.  I was so pleased to see I had been given this award: The Versatile Bloggers Award.  When I received this today I remembered I also received the same award a week or so ago.  I appreciate being given this award by both ladies, Elle Belle's Bows and The Work Plan.  I just didn't have time to post about it when I got it previously.  I don't want people to think I am ungrateful, so I decided I would post this before heading off to bed.  Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for thinking of me ladies.  Here are the rules for accepting this award:
Rule number 1:
              Thank the person who gave you the award.

Again, thank you Elle Belle's Bows and thank you The Work Plan.  I have been a follower of Elle Belle's Bows for a little while now, I would recommend you check out her blog, especially if you have little girls and love to do their hair, her bows are adorable.  I only now have found The Work Plan blog and I am very thankful that she thought of me.  I love finding new blogs that follow the Montessori Method, even though we haven't been very diligent in our Montessori lately.  Hoping to rectify that now that the baby is giving me some time to work with the children.  Oh, blessed naps!  Anyhow, thank you ladies.  I hope others will find your blogs as cool as I do.

Rule number 2:
              Share seven things about yourself.

To tell you the truth, this is one of the reasons I was procrastinating on accepting this award.  I just didn't have the time to sit down and come up with 7 things I felt I should share.  Let's see what I can come up with:
1) My least favorite chore is folding the laundry, I feel as long as the clothes are clean, if I can't get to folding  them every one will survive.  I am trying to fold laundry more faithfully though.
2) I didn't learn how to drive until I was 21 years old.  I grew up in NYC so I didn't need to drive, we had public transportation.  So when my now ex moved us out to the country I was soooo dependent on him until I decided to go back to school and needed to have  license to get there.
3) I have a really hard time communicating with people because I can never find the right thing to say, words are always on the tip of my tongue, or fingers as the case may be, but always seem so far out of reach.
4)I have really tiny toes. There, now the world knows so I don't have to hide them anymore.
5)I love reading so much that putting down a book was traumatic (okay that was a little exaggeration) And I used to be able to read while walking to school (and this was while living in the city).
6) I am deathly afraid of heights and more specifically stairs, as I fell down the steps to the concrete basement floor when I was quite young.
7) My favorite thing to do with the children is crafts, but I prefer things that help them develop their creativity.  I never liked those craft kits where things need to be just so.  Though I do believe there is a place for follow the direction activities. When kids come home from daycare/preschool with those kinds of crafts you know who did most of the work.

Rule number 3:
                   Pass the award onto 15 bloggers whom you have just recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!

1)  Cathy at The Attached Mama
2) Terra at Monkey See, Monkey Do
3) Forgiven Gentile
4) Rebecca at Growing Up Our Style
5) Courtney at Women Living Well
6) The Adventures of Bear
7) Living With Fairies
8) Jessica at Our Family For His Glory
9) Almost Unschoolers
10) Fiona at Deep blue Sapphire
11) Charlene at Adventures-In-Mommy-Land
12)Joyful Learner
13) Katrina at Callapidder Days
14) Audrey at The Daily Wyatt
15) Julie at Just Playin' Around

Rule number 4:
             Contact the bloggers you picked and let them know about the award.

I follow so many blogs and adore visiting all of you ladies.  But the rules stated I needed to pick recently discovered blogs.  I hope all my other bloggy friends will take the time to check out the blogs I have picked and find something new, don't forget to comment and follow, I know I love reading comments.


  1. Hi! I have a new little award for you. Please, visit my blog:

    Kisses from Croatia

  2. Thank you so much! I really appreciate the award! It's nice to learn more about you too. I have been procrastinating posting about awards too, so I really need to do that!

  3. Awwww - thank you so much!!! And I love your song list! Twila Paris's song came on "The Warrior is a Child" and it brought back high school memories - I love that song! Also, Steve Green's "Household of Faith" and "Thank You" - lovem! Great choices!

  4. Thanks for this award! I received it before so I doubt I will pass it around but I love that I got to learn more about you! We have a lot in common as a fellow New Yorker who also didn't learn to drive until much later on in life, who have read numerous books while walking the street (be careful of the garbage cans!) and have fear of heights as well as going too many crafts! Do you fear balloons? That's the only one I'm terrified of after popping one in my face as a kid!

  5. Thanks for thinking of me for this award! I'm now following you :)

  6. Congrats! I don't even have an excuse like disliking folding clothes for being slow on laundry. I just don't want to bother with it.

  7. Hello-thanks for your comment on my blog and for this award.
    My two children are 27 months and 45 months so it is the 45 old month who I am thinking about starting reading with. She will not be homeschooled as it is hard to do this in England. However, she has one extra year at home as she misses starting school by a few weeks so I am keen to start these things with her!

  8. Thanks so much. I'm really, really behind on award posts - but I appreciate the thought! And, I'm not sure about the tiny toes, but I'm positive you're not alone in hating to fold laundry :)

  9. Thank you so much for the award... it means a lot and I agree I hate laundry I also leave unfolded like right now they have been in the hamper for almost a week now and I just cant seem to get myself to fold them ugh. chores I HATE THEM!

  10. Thank you very much for the award! This makes my day :o) Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

  11. Thank you so much -- I am honored! I have a hard time talking to people too...I always feel like I say the wrong thing.

    Thanks again!


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