
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tribe Talk

Through my blog hopping today I discovered another neat idea over at Fun With Little Mouse. Gay, at It's a Hodgepodge Life, has a great way to meet new blog friends. She calls it Tribe Talk:

Here is how it works:

*It begins here every Saturday...(the McLinky will be up for 5 days, so you can link up anytime during the week but it begins Saturdays.)

*Grab the Tribe Talk Button to the right on her site and Share on your Blog ~ Share with everyone that this is a FREE way to increase traffic to their blogs and find some interesting blogs to follow.

*List 5 bloggers that you want to spotlight. Try and choose those that comment on your blog on a regular basis, but it's not a requirement.

*Make a list of them on your blog or write a post featuring them. It can be an old or new post.

*Then link-up your post to this blog, and let everyone share your picks and "meet" your tribe as well as others.

Think of it as a "meet and greet" for bloggers, increase your Tribe and let others do the same.

My 5 picks for the week are:

Lindsay at Bytes of Memory

I hope you will take time to visit my picks, comment on them,
link-up and discover some great new blogs.
Have fun!


  1. Thank you so very much for linking up! I can't wait to visit and comment your picks. Hope to see you link-up again.

  2. I'll have to head over to Our Worldwide Classroom. I keep forgetting to head over there and check it out more.
    Thanks for featuring me!

  3. Thank you for listing me as one of your featured 5 in your tribe. This sounds interesting I will have to head over and check it out!

  4. oh thanks so much for inclduing me. :)

  5. What a neat blog carnival, I will have to check it out! You picked 5 great blogs to highlight! I have an award for you on my blog

  6. Random, non-blog related question:

    do you ever post/check the forum?

    I look at it here and there now a days.

  7. oo thanks so much! :-)


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.