
Saturday, February 20, 2010

What happened this week?

Whoa, this week we did next to nothing. I have plans, but had no ambition to get them out of the starting gate. Monday night the older children let the girls make a red rectangle collage while I went to the library board meeting. Obviously I am getting ready for the letter Rr. But I have been so unambitious it is not funny. The scary thing is, after 2 weeks of inactivity I don't know if I will be able to get back in the routine. I am exhausted, falling asleep after Bible time at night, wake up later and try to finish chores then get to bed after midnight. I know, viscous circle. I guess some of it could be blamed on the pregnancy, being due the beginning of April. Would love to know how others deal with homeschooling and pregnancy/newborn.
Maybe later I will share some of the old craft projects I did with the girls before I started posting blogs regularly (which would be before November I guess). We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Can't help you with the newborn/pregnancy thing. I'll be praying it gets better.


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