
Friday, January 22, 2010

Activities for Pp

When I was trying to plan my week for the letter Pp my paper was filling up fast. There are so many foods that begin with the letter Pp. So far this week we have had pizza (homemade, one with pepperoni, one with pineapple and ham), pancakes, pudding (chocolate of course) with peanut butter, peanut butter and pickle sandwiches (I thought it sounded weird but a child where I used to work brought them for lunch almost every day, so I thought it was time to try one. Children were not impressed, they stuck with their normal pb and apple butter, but I thought it was pretty tasty), porcupine snacks (I peeled a pear, cut it in half and cored it, laid it middle side down with raisin eyes attached with peanut butter and the children gave it pretzel quills)

We didn't eat any peas yet this week, but the sweet snap peas that I was snacking on last week gave me the idea for one of our activities. It had been a while since we did a counting activity (I don't think I have done one since we did the ladybugs on the blades of grass in our lapbook). So I took green construction paper and cut out 10 pea pods for each girl. I painted some of the paper green so we would have a different color green. When it was dry I cut out circles for peas. During our lesson time I lined the pods up and I asked the girls to get the first pod in the row and then I wrote the numeral 1 on one side, we turned it over and I put on one dot of white glue, to which they attached one pea. I did the same for the second, third, fourth and fifth pea pod.

Then I also wrote the numerals on the extra pea pods so we could use it as a matching activity.

Our other food related activity was based on the octopus/cheerios activity from last week. I cut out a circle from poster board to fit inside my round tray. Using red marker I gave it a thin red "sauce" border one inch from the edge. Then I painted the cheese. When it was dry I drew lines for the slices and 3 circles in each slice. The girls enjoy placing Froot Loops in the circles for the pepperoni. Of course, I let them eat the cereal/pepperoni when they are done.


  1. The pizza is a great idea! Love how easy it is to make and put together. Fun!

  2. Squeak likes the BOB books and asks to read them often. I got them on - I got the first 3 box sets.

    And yes, she is VERY motivated! I actually had to reduce our school days from 5 (her lead!) to 3 days a week because I was getting burned out!! I got the panicked "why??" when I broke the news to her! lol!


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